The Hardest Monsters to Kill in Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter is one of the most popular games in the world right now, and if you're thinking of getting in on the action, we have a list of some of the most challenging monsters you'll face along the way.
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Almudron’s are new to Monster Hunter Rise. They hide in muddy waters until they’re ready to strike, using a golden poison to incapacitate their enemies. This poison is so strong it literally dissolves the ground like acid! When excited the Almudron will start flinging their poison in every direction, stunning their opponent before dragging them under the water. -
Almudron’s are new to Monster Hunter Rise, they hide in mud and murky waters until they’re ready to strike, and when they are they use a golden liquid that’s actually poison to incapacitate their enemies. This poison is so strong it literally dissolves the ground like acid! When extremely excited the Almudron will start flinging this poison everywhere it can reach in hopes of stunning its prey and dragging them under the water. -
The Anjanath made its Monster Hunter Debut in Monster Hunter: World. This T-Rex lookalike patrols the Ancient Forest looking for its next meal and has no problem ripping hunters to shreds. To take Anjanath down, get behind and under him and try to go for his legs, while avoiding his tail. -
The Tempered Lavashioth is often hated in the Monster Hunter community because it’s broken. There are variants of the Lavashioth but you’ll be hunting the tempered version because of its rewards. This version can literally kill you in two hits and there isn’t anything you can do about it. They’re also extremely difficult to kill because their skin is covered in cooled lava that becomes armor that can’t be broken. -
The Anjanath made its Monster Hunter Debut in Monster Hunter: World and it’s a T-Rex lookalike that’s easily capable of ripping unsuspecting creatures and hunters alike to absolute shreds. -
Barioth looks like a sabertooth tiger so you might think he wouldn’t be that much of a threat but you’d be wrong. His fangs are absolutely lethal and he has elemental resistances, so doing damage to him is nearly impossible. On top of that, he shows up in the campaign when you’re only equipped with your base weapons. We found this boss particularly difficult. -
You’ll only find the Goss Harag in cold climates, and their bodies are covered in thick fur that makes it difficult to strike them. They’re also capable of turning their arms into blades. These beasts are so difficult to kill because of their durability, and ability to fight at both close and long ranges with their projectile attacks. -
Thought we were done with elemental affinities? Think again, Rajang absorbs electricity and lightning but also shoots energy beams at you while smashing you to absolute bits with his ax and his fists. Hope you’re good at dodging because to defeat Rajang you'll need to be . -
Mizutsune is a Leviathan that tends to get overly aggressive during their mating season. Their long, slender bodies give hunters many areas of attack but they’re able to twist and turn to evade attacks while chomping at you with their gigantic teeth, ripping flesh away and taking massive chunks of your health to boot. -
You’ll only find the Goss Harag in cold climates, and their bodies are covered in thick fur that makes it difficult to hit them, they’re also capable of turning their arms into blades. These beasts are so difficult to kill because of their durability, and ability to fight at both close and long ranges with their projectile attacks. -
Diablos are ruthless dragons with bodies covered in tough rocks and scales. They hide underground, stalking their prey, waiting for their moment to strike. Their attacks are quick and random. before you know it, they've dealt significant damage, before disappearing again, all in a flash. -
Think of the Magnamalo like Koffing from Pokemon. They’re extremely powerful but they also emit gas from their bodies that damage you over time. However they aren’t just dangerous at close range, the Mangamalo will throw projectiles at you that you’ll have to dodge or take massive damage from. -
Thought you were done with elemental affinities? Think again, Rajang absorbs electricity and lightning but also shoots energy beams at you while smashing you to absolute bits with his axe and his fists. Hope you’re good at dodging. -
Rathalos are pterodactyl-like creatures and they're dangerous as hell. They either dive-bomb you picking you up in their talons, before thrashing you around. Or they set you on fire with their flame breath, oh and not to mention, they can the poison damage you take from their claws. A real fun way to die! -
The Deviljho isn't a regular monster, in fact, none of these monsters are, so don't expect any gimmies here. The Deviljho is as strong as the toughest monsters in Monster Hunter, and it has a ridiculous amount of health to boot. The kicker here is one hit from his leg or his nose can take well over half your health away. -
Mizutsune is a Leviathan that tends to get overly aggressive during their mating season. Their long, slender bodies give hunters many areas of attack but they’re able to twist and turn to evade attacks while chomping at you with their gigantic teeth, ripping flesh away and taking massive chunks of your health to boot. -
The Deviljho is a regular monster so it shouldn’t be a problem right? Wrong, this thing is as strong as some of the toughest monsters in the game, it has a ridiculous amount of health, and one hit from his leg or his nose can take well over half your health away. -
Any Monster Hunter fan groans when you mention Nergigante. He’s big, strong, ridiculously fast, and his spikes stick you over and over again. He’s nearly impossible to kill unless you’ve got the perfect armor and weapon set, and even then you have to completely memorize every attack pattern of his, even though they can all look so similar it’s hard to tell them apart. One wrong move and Nergigante will end your life. -
Diablos are absolutely ruthless wyverns with bodies that are completely covered in extremely tough rock and scales. They hide themselves underground, stalking their prey and jump out at random times and in random positions to take their enemies by surprise and murder them or deal significant damage before disappearing again. -
Any Monster Hunter fan groans when you mention Nergigante, he’s big, strong, ridiculously fast, his spikes stick you over and over again for a ton of damage and he’s nearly impossible to kill unless you’ve got the perfect armor and weapon set and even then you have to completely memorize every attack pattern of his, even though they can all look so similar it’s hard to tell them apart. One wrong move and Nergigante will end your life. -
Think of the Magnamalo like Koffing from Pokemon, they’re extremely powerful and dangerous but they also emit a gas from their bodies that damage you over time. However they aren’t just dangerous at close range, the Mangamalo will throw projectiles at you that you’ll have to dodge or take massive damage from. -
The Nargacuga first appeared in Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite. It’s a bat-like creature that stalks its prey instead of outwardly hunting as most creatures do. They live in dark spaces and they’re extremely difficult to kill because they can attack with every single part of their bodies, but you’ll need to pay special attention to their tails and wings because of their extra lethality. -
Velkhana is the first big boss-fight in Monster Hunter: Iceborne, but don't think that means it's an easy fight. It’s absolutely brutal because of Velkhana’s resistance to damage and elemental affinity with ice, tampering your attacks while making her's stronger. -
Rathalos are Pterodactyl like creatures that will literally dive bomb your ass and eitehr pick you up in their talons and throw you around after squeezing the fuck out of you or set you, your party and everything around you on fire with their flame breath attacks. Not to mention the poison damage you can take from their claws, these beasts are lethal! -
Velkana is the first big boss fight in Iceborne so you might think it won’t be a big deal but you’d be wrong. It’s absolutely brutal because of the boss’ resistances to damage and elemental affinity with ice making its attacks stronger. -
The Zinogre are wyverns with electricity coursing throughout their bodies, as if that wasn’t enough, they have ridiculously sharp claws and extremely strong limbs. They can leap around and strike at you from any angle while also evading your attacks. So proceed with cuation. -
Zinogre are wyverns with electricity that courses throughout their bodies, as if that wasn’t enough, they’ve got ridiculously sharp claws and extremely strong limbs so they can leap around and strike at you from any angle while also evading your attacks.
- The Hardest Monsters to Kill in Monster Hunter
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Almudron’s are new to Monster Hunter Rise. They hide in muddy waters until they’re ready to strike, using a golden poison to incapacitate their enemies. This poison is so strong it literally dissolves the ground like acid! When excited the Almudron will start flinging their poison in every direction, stunning their opponent before dragging them under the water.